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David Broom Teaching a group of rural pastors

Leadership Training

Started by the generation before us, Dave Sr. faithfully drove 5 hours into the rural areas every month to teach local pastors on Biblical leadership principles. Now the next generation has taken up the baton of leadership training, as we network with pastors around the country.


One of our trips took the whole family to the southern part of Zimbabwe to a rural community that Dave & Maxine used to minister in. Pastor Cuthbert Farai, along with his family and church, witnessed many amazing miracles, including praying for a flooded river to recede and then watching God pull aside the waters so Pastor Cuthbert could get to the church meeting!


Now he has passed on, but his son invited David to share at their leadership conference, which drew in 70 pastors from throughout southern Zimbabwe.

The event took place an hour off of any tarred road, deep in a rural part of the country.The pastors gathered and sat on plastic chairs under the shade of a giant tree. The food Renewal Ministries provided for the event was cooked outside by some of the women of the church community. There was no electricity, no running water and cell phone coverage. But as David spoke to the pastors through an interpreter, the ministry was powerful. And the third Broom generation got to see firsthand some of the outreach work their grandparents began so many years ago.

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